  • Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件
  • Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件

    Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件第1张 Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件第2张 Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件第3张

    英语教学课件:Unit 2 How Often Do You Exercise

    Section A

    How Often

    How often do you exercise?

    • Every day
    • Once a week
    • Twice a week
    • Three times a week
    • Never

    Do You Exercise

    Do you exercise regularly?

    • Yes, I do.
    • No, I don't.

    What Kind of Exercise

    What kind of exercise do you do?

    • Running
    • Swimming
    • Cycling
    • Playing sports
    • Yoga
    • Pilates

    How Long

    How long do you exercise for?

    • 30 minutes
    • 1 hour
    • 2 hours
    • More than 2 hours

    Why Exercise

    Why do you exercise?

    • To stay healthy
    • To lose weight
    • To improve my mood
    • To have fun
    • To socialize

    Benefits of Exercise

    • Improved cardiovascular health
    • Reduced risk of chronic diseases
    • Stronger bones and muscles
    • Improved mental health
    • Increased energy levels
    • Better sleep
    • Reduced stress

    Tips for Getting Started

    • Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.
    • Choose activities that you enjoy.
    • Find a workout buddy to help you stay motivated.
    • Set realistic goals.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help from a fitness professional.


    Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. By following these tips, you can get started on a regular exercise routine and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer.


    Unit 2 How often do you exercise-Section A教学ppt课件



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